Privacy Policy

Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC is committed to preserving your right to privacy. While we don’t ask for any registration or personal information to browse our site, some information about your server address, Web browser, and computer system are automatically transmitted to our Web servers so that we can operate our site on the Internet. Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC does not collect identifying information about You (such as Your name, address, telephone number, or email address) unless You voluntarily submit that information to us through our Contact Us page, or other means. Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC stores its customer information in a password-protected database to fulfill your requests for certain services. All information You submit to us is confidential and we do not sell or otherwise disclose such information to third parties.

Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property (Use of Site Material)

The contents of this site, including, without limitation, Web site design, text, graphics, images, sound recordings, video recordings, and other content (hereinafter “Content”) are owned by or licensed to, clients, and partners of, and are protected by copyright under both United States and foreign laws. Unauthorized use of the Content violates copyright, trademark, and other laws. The Content and all copyrighted material may not be modified, copied, distributed, downloaded, displayed, e-mailed, transmitted or sold in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the respective copyright owner. Use of the Content on any other Web site or in a networked environment is prohibited.

Client Access Through Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC Web Site

The Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC Web site contains links to Web sites owned by clients or service partners. We encourage our clients, partners, contributors and other third parties to implement policies and practices that respect your privacy the same way Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC’s Web site does. We are not, however, in control or responsible for other Web sites’ privacy practices or Web site content. Occasionally, you may receive cookies or see pop-up windows from third party advertisers, partners and vendors when accessing these sites or content featured on them. We do not control these cookies or pop-up windows. If You decide to visit any third-party sites using links from this Web site, You do so at Your own risk.

Security of Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC Network and Systems

Violations to system or network security are prohibited and can result in criminal and civil liability. Continuous attempts to infiltrate or damage network security and systems may be treated as violations. Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC will investigate incidents involving such violations and may involve and will cooperate with law enforcement if a criminal violation is suspected.

Contact Us

The primary purpose of the Contact Us page is to establish communication with Visitors interested in Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC services and potential Business Development. Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC Web site Visitors may use the Contact Us page to send content suggestions or questions about any content on the Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC Web site. Web site Visitors can also submit notification of broken links, communicate privacy concerns, and/or submit praise and/or complaints. All technical and operational issues are handled by our Marketing and Network Operations Departments which is responsible for the monitoring of systems and may track down information pertinent to suspicious activity.


You hereby acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions represent the entire understanding between You and Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC concerning Your use of this Web site, and the Content, goods, and services available on this Web site.